Thank You’s & What’s Next!

Hi everybody! Melissa and I would just like to take a minute and say thank you to all of the wonderful readers and reviewers out there who have shown us love and supported us!

Big Bad Bite has hit Amazon Best Sellers Lists in a number of categories, which is amazing to us. We’re currently ranked as high as #3 in the Fantasy -> Paranormal category, #7 in the Romance -> Paranormal category and #9 in the Romance -> Fantasy & Futuristic category!

We can’t express how much this means to us! To be honest we’re still kinda pinching ourselves to see if it’s all real. So while we’re getting over the shock of it all, we’re also hard at work on our next project, Secret Maneuvers. We have a blurb up on its page if you want to see what it’s about! In the mean time, we’ve decided that we will not be announcing anymore dates (because we do not want to disappoint anyone if we’re running a tad behind schedule), but we will put up a vague projected goal so you have an idea of the time frame that we are shooting for. The good news is that we will have a new and lengthy (unedited) excerpt of Secret Maneuvers in the next one to two weeks, so check back often to catch it’s release!

Melissa and I have set up some crazy goals for ourselves this year, and if everything works out you will see these books published during 2013: Secret Maneuvers, Walk On The Striped Side and possibly The Frozen Star. In that order.

That’s all for now! Lots of love to you all and we’ll catch you laters!

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